ReadMe First

WinWordGen Readme First File:


+ This application is freeware (only for academic purposes). Please do not distribute the program without mentioning its source.

+ To support the authors, if you decide to use the program for your experimental work, please refer to it in your paper as follows:

Duyck, W., Desmet, T., Verbeke, L., & Brysbaert, M. (2004). WordGen: A Tool for Word Selection and Non-Word Generation in Dutch, German, English, and French. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers, 36(3), 488-499. (full text available here)

+ If you decide to use the program for your experimental work, a short notice or comment (wouter dot duyck at ugent dot be) would be much appreciated.

System Requirements
+ WinWordGen was created using Borland C++ for MS Windows and should run under any version of the Windows operating system when installed using the self-extracting wwg_install.exe program available at

+ WinWordGen requires a screen resolution of 800 by 600 pixels or higher.

+ If you encounter any errors (e.g., the program crashing or other glitches) then please let us know ((wouter dot duyck at ugent dot be). We hope that you find the program useful.


+ The software and documentation are provided “as it is” and without any guaranty or warranty of any kind. Under no circumstances shall the authors be liable for any direct or indirect damage to any equipment that results from the use or inability to use the software or related documentation. the entire risk as to its quality, performance, or fitness for any particular purpose is assumed by the end user.

Version History:

+ v1.0: Initial Release

+ No updates at present

Why ‘WordGen’?

+ Short for ‘Word Generator’…

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